Cow & Calf Rocks, Ilkley Moor

Cow & Calf Rocks, Ilkley Moor

Imortalised in the song "On Ilkla Moor Baht 'at", Ilkley Moor is an area of upland just south of the small town of Ilkey in West Yorkshire. The most prominent feature are the Cow & Calf Rocks which overlook the town. Another feature is the Swastika Stone which bears a tribal symbol dating from pre-Roman Europe which resembles a swastika.
In 1987 an alien was allegedly sighted on the moor before making a quick departure in a dome shaped spacecraft. The "Ilkley Moor Alien" is considered to be one of the most important U.F.O. incidents in the U.K.

The Song "On Ilkla Moor Baht 'at" (On Ilkey Moor Without a Hat) is a popular folk song and considered to be the unofficial anthem of Yorkshire. The song tells of a man courting Mary Jane, his lover, on Ilkley Moor. He wasn't wearing a hat and risked death from exposure. This will in his burial, the eating of his corpse by worms, the eating of the worms by ducks and finally the eating of the ducks by the singers.

Ilkley Moor
On Cow & Calf Rocks
Ilkley Moor
Ilkley from Cow & Calf Rocks
Cow & Calf Hotel
Cow & Calf Hotel